Hari ke-1 ( Minggu, 17 Maret 2013)
1.         07.00-07.30                 Peserta datang+herregistrasi peserta    
2.         07.30-07.45                 Opening ceremony     
3.         07.45-07.55                 Persiapan debate         
4.         07.55-09.35                 1st  Preliminary round
5.         09.35-09.45                 Istirahat+pengumuman           
6.         09.45-11.25                 2nd Preliminary round
7.         11.25-12.25                 ISHOMA        
8.         12.25-14.05                 3rd Preliminary round 
9.         14.05-14.35                 Persiapan quarter final
10.       14.35-16.15                 Quarter Final round
11.       16.15-16.25                 Closing+penjelasan untuk 2nd day     
12.       16.25-17.00                 Peserta pulang  Gerbang mache
Hari ke-2 ( Senin, 18 Maret 2013 )
1.         12.30-12.45                 Peserta datang+herregistrasi peserta
2.         12.45-13.00                 Opening+persiapan semi final
3.         13.00-14.30                 Semifinal round
4.         14.30-15.00                 ISHOMA+pemenang story telling datang
6.         15.00-16.30                 Final round
7.         16.30-16.45                 Pengumuman debate, speech contest, story telling, dan spelling bee 
8.         16.45-17.00                 Closing Ceremony
9.         17.00-17.15                 Peserta pulang
Debater’s hall : Aula Atas
Ruang debat     : XA-XII IPS 4

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The Championship Rule and Regulations


1.      Every participant must be on time.
2.      The THEME for Story Telling is Local and International Story.
3.      Every participants must stay in the competition venue until the competition ends, unless any committee’s permission.
4.      NONE of the participants are allowed to read any story text or keynote when delivering the story.
5.      Every participant will be called THREE TIMES in a row based on his/her turn (first chance).
6.      Participant who does not come up after being called three times (first chance) will be put on the last turn (second chance).
7.      Participant who does not come on the second chance will be DISQUALIFIED.
8.      The timekeeper will knock the table once as a sign for the participants to start delivering the story.
9.      Every participant has approximately 15 MINUTES to deliver her/his story.
10.  The timekeeper will knock the table twice in 10th minute.
11.  In the 15th minute timekeeper will knock the table three times as a warning for the participant that the time is up.
12.  30 seconds will be given as tolerance right after the 15th minute.
13.  The tolerance time will be a consideration of score lessening.
14.  The result of the competition is FINAL.
15.  Judgments criteria:
      a.       Matter (Accordance with the theme, good idea)     (65%)
            Grammar                          (15%)
            Vocabulary                       (15%)
            Story Substance                (20%)
            Language (pronunciation, articulation, intonation)      (15%)
      b.      Performance (confident)  (35%)
            Interaction                         (10%)
            Expression  (gesture, eye contact)            (10%)
            Body Language                 (10%)
            Property                             (5%)


Ada 3 BABAK:
1.      Babak Eliminasi
2.      Babak Semi Final
3.      Babak FINAL

1.      Babak Eliminasi
o   Target Peserta:  40-50 orang (4-6 SD)
o   Dibagi menjadi : 10 Ronde, tiap Ronde diambil 1 orang untuk maju ke Semi Final
o   Format lomba: Cepat-Tepat (Smart-FAST), dgn 10 pertanyaan/ronde. Nilai 1 Pertanyaan benar adalah 10 Point.
o   Juri : Mr. Yason & Mr. Jason
o   Score keeper / Official : Kak Nunu

2.      Babak Semi Final
o   Target Peserta : 10 orang semi finalis
o   Format lomba: Speed Round, Dalam waktu 2-3 menit masing2 peserta akan diberikan Series of Questions (10-15 pertanyaan) dari Juri, dengan system penilaian yang sudah dirancang; Correct @10 Points / Incorrect @0Points.
o   5 orang peserta dengan nilai tertinggi akan diambil untuk maju ke Babak FINAL.
o   Juri : Mr. Yason & Mr. Jason
o   Score keeper / Official : Kak Nunu

3.      Babak Final
o   Target Peserta: 5 orang finalis
o   Format lomba: Spelling Bee
o   Setiap peserta diberikan 5 opsi bantuan untuk menyelesaikan soal:
·         1x pass
·         1x vowels
·         1x consonant
·         1x first letter
·         1x last letter
o   Peserta dengan nilai tertinggi menjadi Juara 1
o   Peserta dengan nilai tertinggi kedua menjadi Juara 2
o   Peserta dengan nilai tertinggi ketiga menjadi Juara 3
o   Juri : Mr. Yason & Mr. Jason
o   Score keeper / Official : Kak Nunu


1.      The competition is split to 2 rounds. The Preliminary and The Final Rounds. 
2.      In the preliminary round, all participants will perform their speech based on the roulette's number they have. The number will be taken before the competition begin. 
3.      The duration for each of speech is 7 minutes. If the participant exceeds this time, there will be a score punishment (minus 1). BUT, there will be no punishment for those who perform under time.
4.      Participant in preliminary round will perform their speech in front of the panel of judges (3 people) and audience, including other participants.
5.      In the preliminary round, each participant must choose one out of 5 topics given by the committee, as follow:
A. Corruption
B. Environment
C. Drug Abuses
D. Culture
E. Education
6.      For the preliminary round, participant must make the speech draft (at home) and double it for the judge (only one copy and submit it at the D-day). 
7.      From the preliminary round, we will only take three participants to proceed to the final round based on the highest accumulative score given by the panel of judges.
8.      For the final round, participant will be quarantined for 15 minutes to make a speech by themselves based on impromptu topics, given by the panel of judges.
9.      In the final round, participants will perform the speech in a room (based on roulette), in front of judges and audiences but not being seen by other participants.
10. While one participant performs his/her speech in final round, the other participants will wait in other room. During waiting, these participants is prohibited to write/re-make their speech.
11.  The criteria of scoring:
      A. Content 40%
      B. Grammar 20%
      C. Fluency 30%
      D. Attractiveness 10%
12.  Judge's decision is absolute.
13.  All participant must come on time with a proper and polite clothes

A debate competition consists of match-ups between teams, each of which consists of 3 people. Each team is required to defend one side of a debatable motion, and is expected to present arguments defending or opposing it. Knowledge of current affairs is be tested and assessed based on their ability to support their respective cases using this knowledge. Content should be presented in a graceful style designed to persuade adjudicators and members of the audience. Being quick-witted and the use of tactful strategy are also key to win a debate. The whole competition will consist of 3 preliminary rounds, Quarter-finals, Semi-finals, and Grand Final.

a.      Three speakers comprise a team. Each debate match-up will have two teams debating against each other.
b.     All 6 speakers each deliver substantive speeches. At the end of the substantive speeches, the first or second speaker from each side delivers a reply speech. The Negative reply speaker delivers his/her speech first and is followed by the Affirmative reply speaker.

a.      Each substantive speech is 7 minutes long. While time to deliver reply speech is 5 minutes.
b.     The method of signaling timing for speakers is at the discretion of the host.
c.      The timekeeper will knock once at 1st minute of the speech, meaning that POI’s is allowed.
d.     The timekeeper will knock once at 6th minutes. Meaning that POI’s is no longer allowed.
e.      The timekeeper will knock twice at 7th minute. Meaning that the speaker has to end his/her speech.
f.       The timekeeper will knock continuously at 7th minute and 20 seconds. Meaning that the time is up and further speech of the speaker will be penalized.
g.     In addition to time signals referred to in rule 2 (b), team members and/or team coaches may give time signals to a speaker provided the signals are discreet and unobtrusive.

a.      Before the start of each debate (before the motion is launched) a team will submit to the Chairperson the names of its members in the order by which the members will speak (hereinafter, the ‘designated speakers’).
b.      Only designated speakers, as announced by the Chairperson, may speak in a debate.
c.       Designated speakers are the only ones allowed to build cases for a debate.
d.      During a debate, speakers are forbidden to communicate/consult their respective coaches and/or other team members who are not speaking in that debate or any person in the audience except to receive time signals in accordance with rule 2(c). In this regard, debaters have to hand over their cellular phones to LO during case building time

e.       Notwithstanding rule 3(b), if, during a debate, a speaker declares that he/she is unable to deliver his/her speech due to urgent health and/or personal reasons (e.g. sudden sickness like asthma or death in the family), a team may either:
                                                        i.      Designate a fellow designated speaker to deliver the speech as a substitute.
                                                      ii.      Decide to walk out of the debate. In this instance, the tournament policies on walk-outs will be applied.
                                                    iii.      Additionally, a team which is forced to walk out due to the reason stated in Rule 2(e) shall be allowed to compete in next round, provided the match is still during the preliminary stages of the competition.
f.        If a substitute speech is given in accordance with Rule 3(e) (i), judges shall award that speech the lowest possible score within the Marking Standard, regardless of the quality of the speech. (If such a situation occurs, the marks for this speech shall not be used in the calculation for any individual speaker awards.)
g.      Further to Rule 3(e) (ii), the tournament’s walk-out policy shall mean that a forfeiting team will incur the average judge points and team scores for a losing team for that particular round. Moreover, their opponents for that round may be given a victory point, average judge points and team scores of a winning team for that particular round.
h.      If a team has decided to withdraw from the competition due to emergency reasons (e.g. sudden sickness like asthma or death in the family), no penalty will be imposed, and their participation certificates will be released.

a.      A team may have three members, provided each member is a bona fide full-time student in the school participating in the Championships
b.      If fraud or forgery is suspected or has been confirmed to have transpired, the Committee has the prerogative to investigate the matter and request the responsible institutions (the school) and/or persons (debaters/coaches/adjudicators) to answer the allegations. The committee decisions arising from this investigation shall be final and unappeasable.
c.      If a team member or more do not meet the eligibility requirements stated herein, Rule 3(i) shall apply.

The Draw
5.     A team may not debate against any other team more than twice during the preliminary rounds.
6.     The standings for Preliminary Round 1 are determined by a draw conducted by committee and adjudication board.
7.     The results of Preliminary Round 1 will determine the standings for Preliminary Round 2, and so on.
8.     Each of the teams in the Preliminary Rounds shall not debate a side more than three times. In the instance that this occurs, the committee shall rectify the situation immediately. However, if both teams have debated the same side for three times, the issue shall be decided by a coin toss. The winner will choose which side they will defend
9.     At the end of the each round, teams shall be ranked in accordance with the following order of priority: Victory Points, Judge Points, and Team Scores.
10. At the end of Preliminary Round 3, the top 8 teams will proceed to the Quarter-finals.
11. At the end of the competition, final team rankings shall be determined as follows:
a.      The champions, runner-up, and second runner-up (semifinalists)
b.     All other teams shall be ranked according the round of the championships the team reached and, where equal, their preliminary round ranking (in accordance with rule 10).
12.  The best speaker of the tournament shall be named and awarded at the end of the competition. The best speaker is determined by a speaker’s total score throughout the preliminary rounds. To be eligible as the best speaker, a speaker has to speak in all preliminary rounds.

Motion Launch and Case Building
a.      The motion and heading list for all of the rounds will be announced on invitation letter
b.     The motion for each round will be announced just before the round begins. This applies for all rounds.
All debate motion may be based on prepared motions or heading list given on the invitation letter

a.      During the preliminary rounds, all debates shall be judged by sole adjudicator.
b.     During the quarter-final rounds, all debates shall be judged by three adjudicators.
c.      During the semifinal rounds, all debates shall be judged by three to five adjudicators.
d.     During the grand final round, all debates shall be judged by five to seven adjudicators.
e.      A judge shall not adjudicate a team from his/her own institution.
f.       A judge who has any ties (e.g. familiar or romantic ties) with any team member debating in a room s/he is assigned to, that judge shall inhibit himself/herself from adjudicating the room where the said team is debating. In case time constraints prevent a re-arrangement, the judge should not be a single adjudicator in that room. At least 2 or more adjudicators will accompany him/her to judge.
g.     A team has the right to request that they not be adjudicated by a certain judge provided they have just cause to make a request. To exercise this right, teams are required to notify the Chief Adjudicator before a round commences.
h.     Chief Adjudicator may refuse a team’s veto if it fails to provide valid grounds for its request.

15.   All debates shall be conducted in English.

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PUSDEC 2013 Registration form

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Story Telling & Speech Theme and Mechanism

Story Telling Theme :

1. National/Local Story
2. International Story

Mechanism :
1. The Participant will get their turn in the Technical Meeting (that will be held on 9th march 2013)
2. The Adjudicators will choose the best 3 to become the 1st winner, 2nd winner, 3rd winner.
3. The Adjudicators consist of School's teacher and English course teacher (Real English course)

NB :
Story Telling theme will be given after the Participant had registration.
The registration starts from 18 February 2013-9 March 2013 at SMA 5 Yogyakarta on 02.00pm-04.30pm.
or Book first (by contact our CP : 085743625391) then get your "Theme Options"

Speech Theme :

1. Corruption
2. Drag-Abuse/ Narcotics
3. Environment
4. Culture
5. Education

Mechanism :
1. The Participant will get their turn in The Technical Meeting (that will be held on 9th march 2013)
2. The Adjudicators will choose "The Best Three" and there will be Final Round to "The Best Three" to determine which one will be the 1st winner, 2nd winner or 3rd winner.
3. The Adjudicators consist of "EDS-UGM" , School's teacher and English course teacher (Real English course)

NB :
Same with Story telling, The Speech Theme will be given after the participant had registration.

The registration starts from 18 February 2013-9 March 2013 at SMA 5 Yogyakarta on 02.00pm-04.30pm.
or Book first (by contact our CP : 085743625391) then get your "Theme Options" 

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The Championship and Registration fee

We have somekinds of Championship.
These are the championship.

1. English Debating for Senior High School (Asian Parliamentary) : 150K

2. Speech for Senior High School : 50K

3. Story Telling for Junior High School : 50K

4. Spelling bee for Elemantary School : 35K

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Prepared Motions for PUSDEC 2013

Sexual Orientation & Gender Role
1. This House Believes That Government Should Pay Housewives And House Husbands
2. This House Would Subsidize Companies that are Willing To Re-Write Classic Fairy Tales to Correct Gender Discrimination and Stereotyping
3. This House Would Force Priest To Conduct Gay Marriage

Spiritual Journey
1. In Global Epidemic Situation, This House Would Ban Our Citizens To Conduct Religious Journey Abroad (i.e. Hajj)
2. This House Would Ban Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) fromCreating And Publicizing Fatwa
3. This House Believe That Hajj Pilgrimage Should Only Be Once in the Life Time

1. This House Regret The Policy Of Assassinating Terrorist Leader Instead Of Bringing Them To Trials
2. This House Would Ban Gun Ownership
3. This House Believe That It Is Better For United Nations To Accept Palestine As Sovereign Member State.

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PUSDEC 2013 Facilities & Prizes

Facilities : Co-card, Snacks, Lunch, Blocknote, Sticker, Doorprize , Vouchers, Certificate for All Participant, etc

English Debating (Senior High School)

1st :
Rp 1.000.000,00

2nd :
Rp 700.000,00

3rd (2 Semifinalists) :
Rp 450.000,00

Best Speaker :
Rp 100.000,00

Speech (Senior High School) and Story Telling (Junior High School)

1st :
Rp 300.000,00

2nd :
Rp 200.000,00

3rd :
Rp 100.000,00

Spelling bee (Elementary School)
1st :
Rp 200.000,00

2nd :
Rp 150.000,00

Rp 100.000,00

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This is About PUSDEC 2013

PUSDEC 2013 adalah event PUSDEC yang ke 7. PUSDEC sendiri akronim dari Puspanegara Speech and English Competition. PUSDEC adalah event tahunan SMA Negeri 5 Yogyakarta. Seperti namanya, PUSDEC adalah event yang melombakan English Debating (untuk tingkat SMA), Speech (untuk tingkat SMA) dan Story Telling (untuk tingkat SMP).
PUSDEC 2013 diadakan pada tanggal 17-18 Maret 2013 tingkat Jateng & DIY. Tahun ini PUSDEC mengambil tema "Be Brave in Speaking, Be Brave in Globalization". Tema ini diambil dari salah satu unsur utama menjadi warga global yaitu "speaking" atau berbicara , khususnya dalam Bahasa Inggris yang kita ketahui sebagai Bahasa Internasional yang paling banyak di gunakan.
See you guys in The Greatest English Competition.
More information contact us :  085743625391 (Nabila Rani).

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