Story Telling & Speech Theme and Mechanism

Story Telling Theme :

1. National/Local Story
2. International Story

Mechanism :
1. The Participant will get their turn in the Technical Meeting (that will be held on 9th march 2013)
2. The Adjudicators will choose the best 3 to become the 1st winner, 2nd winner, 3rd winner.
3. The Adjudicators consist of School's teacher and English course teacher (Real English course)

NB :
Story Telling theme will be given after the Participant had registration.
The registration starts from 18 February 2013-9 March 2013 at SMA 5 Yogyakarta on 02.00pm-04.30pm.
or Book first (by contact our CP : 085743625391) then get your "Theme Options"

Speech Theme :

1. Corruption
2. Drag-Abuse/ Narcotics
3. Environment
4. Culture
5. Education

Mechanism :
1. The Participant will get their turn in The Technical Meeting (that will be held on 9th march 2013)
2. The Adjudicators will choose "The Best Three" and there will be Final Round to "The Best Three" to determine which one will be the 1st winner, 2nd winner or 3rd winner.
3. The Adjudicators consist of "EDS-UGM" , School's teacher and English course teacher (Real English course)

NB :
Same with Story telling, The Speech Theme will be given after the participant had registration.

The registration starts from 18 February 2013-9 March 2013 at SMA 5 Yogyakarta on 02.00pm-04.30pm.
or Book first (by contact our CP : 085743625391) then get your "Theme Options" 

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